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Regulation Amendments Notice Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation (O. Reg. 220/01)

by Humphrey Kisembe | Jan 23, 2018
These changes will take effect July 1, 2018


Regulation Amendments Notice

Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation (O. Reg. 220/01)

Amendments to enhance public safety have been made to Ontario’s Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation (O. Reg. 2201/01) under the Technical Standards and Safety Act (TSSA), 2000. The amendments are as follows and will come into effect in July 1, 2018:

1. TSSA will directly issue a certificate of inspection (COI) to owners of all BPV equipment. The COI will be issued as authorization to legally operate after a passed periodic inspection and submission of a Record of Inspection (ROI) to TSSA.

2. Owners of boilers and pressure vessels will pay a COI fee to TSSA.

3. TSSA will maintain a database of device-specific periodic inspection information from both insurer and TSSA inspectors.

4. TSSA will implement an audit and attestation program to provide oversight of periodic inspections conducted by insurers.

The amendments are an outcome of proposals contained in a comprehensive industry round table report, released in August 2016 by a14-member panel of BPV industry stakeholders with representation from insurance companies, third-party inspection providers, and owners and manufacturers of BPV equipment. The panel was constituted by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) in collaboration with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). The full panel report can be found on the Ontario Regulatory Registry.

For more information on these amendments, visit or contact Humphrey Kisembe at

Posted January 18, 2018

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